The Mobile Leprechaun is one of the South’s greatest legends

(Originally published on The Southern Weekend)

Do you know the legend of the Mobile Leprechaun? You should. In the Mobile, Ala. neighborhood of Crichton, several members of the community reported seeing what looked like a leprechaun trolling the neighborhood. From there, the local news reported on the sightings, and an Internet phenomenon was born.

Also known as the “Alabama Leprechaun” or the “Crichton Leprechaun,” this creature was first seen in a tree, and its origins and story remain murky. What isn’t murky is the hilarious interpretation of the sightings, from the local interviews to the amazing “amateur sketch” that depicts the leprechaun in less than impressive detail.

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Regardless of the ambiguity surrounding this particular creature (and perhaps more importantly, the location of its gold), the resonance of the segment endures, with it being recirculated on social media every year when St. Patrick’s Day approaches. Its popularity has resulted in a wide range of merchandise and a number of articles and features throughout the world, and it remains one of the most popular videos on YouTube. “I want the gold!” The legend of the Mobile Leprechaun endures.