Contra: Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 24)

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.

An intrepid gamer in the late 80s and early 90s knew that when a Konami game was booting up, this series of inputs would net the player a reward of some kind.

It generally came at the beginning of the adventure, and while it delivered to varying degrees depending on the title one was playing, the “Konami” code always signaled a new beginning or fresh start (though since the code never changed, it also inspired a feeling of familiarity?). 

Probably more importantly, the Konami code represented the equivalent of a person starting on third base. It was a chance to beat the game (or at least gain the advantage) before the fight had even commenced.

It was also a fairly new concept for its time. Sure, you had Super Mario Bros. warp zones and other shortcuts available to you in other games, but generally not something you could do to affect the outcome of the game before it even kicked off.

And giving it a forbidden fruit vibe, it’s debatable whether the gamer was even “supposed” to use the code to begin with.

The Konami code, like the warp zones or other “cheats” that preceded it, was put into the game not to assist the gamer, but rather the programmers and designers who needed to get to later sections of the game in quicker fashion to do testing. 

And it makes sense; putting these tricks into the game will increase productivity, so why not do it?

Once these cheats made it out into the wild, however, they were fair game for everyone to use, whether people were meant to have access to them or not. Not knowing made it almost illicit. Like, “Oooh, I’m part of the cool kids club because I know this thing I wasn’t supposed to know.”

Maybe this was a little silly. Despite public acknowledgement that the code only remained because of a lack of time to remove it, if we’re honest with ourselves, I think there was a wink there from the developers. Why would they keep the code the same from game to game if they positively didn’t want the end user to have it?

Moreover, the secrecy of the code evaporated fairly quickly. It eventually became so pervasive and ingrained in pop culture that it was deemed T-shirt worthy. It is a secret no more.

Regardless, this code made its first appearance in the 1986 NES port of the side-scrolling shooter Gradius – a very fine game with the code’s effect of course being beneficial (all power-ups attained) – but the code didn’t REALLY become synonymous with Konami or gaming in general until the release of Contra in 1988. 

The difference here, with Contra, was significant.

Deliver those commands in quick enough fashion, and the player would be given 30 lives instead of 3, an improvement in odds so ridiculous that the entire context of the game itself is changed.

Instead of a brutally difficult game that allowed for no missteps whatsoever and required a thorough memorization of every step of the process, you’re left with a forgiving, breezy adventure that encourages repeat plays anyway (and said memorization that would occur a little more organically through desired – not forced – repetition).

“Contra is stupid hard and always has been.”

“What about the Konami code?”

“Well, yeah, okay, that made it easier.”

Presto, the entire game is different.

Not that it needed to be.

Contra at a glance:

Genre: Run-and-gun shooter
Released: 1988
Platform: NES
No. 13 on Game Informer’s best games ever

Continue reading Contra: Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 24)

My games of 2022

For the past three years, I’ve kept a running tally of games I’ve completed in that calendar year on Twitter, writing up a short review of each game as I’ve finished.

(This has been a fun thing to do, hence why I’ve kept doing it.)

And for the third year in a row, at the end of the year, I’ve compiled a ranking for this blog.

This part of it is actually harder than it sounds. 

The reason I keep doing the ranking, though, is I find it the most useful piece for anyone reading and deciding on which games they’d like to try on for size (or even revisit). A direct comparison between games in an “either-or” situation tells you what you ultimately need to know.

“Should I buy Metroid Dread or Mario Kart 8?” 

“Which old-school Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is the best?”

Well, you’ll know my answers if you scroll down.

Continue reading My games of 2022

Super Mario World: Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 23)

Super Mario World is without a doubt, 100%, a stone-cold lock of an essential game – even though upon release, it wasn’t essential for me.

These sorts of distinctions are important in an exercise such as ranking games, because when you’re talking about games that are, for lack of a better term, essentially perfect, and you’re interested in determining an order of some kind, picking the nits and trying to dig for problems can be, well, a little fruitless.

Take Super Mario World as an example. Am I going to sit here at the outset and say it has microscopic faults that definitively prevent it from finishing higher on my list of retro gaming essentials, picking at stupid things like the color palette being slightly different or the gameplay not quite being the same as the previous games, or any other number of dumb, nitpicky things?

Nah, that would be boring.

It would also be dishonest. Super Mario World is universally beloved as one of the greatest platformers of all time, many consider it to be THE best Mario game of all time, and still others think it’s got an argument as the greatest video game of all time, period.

One of the greatest games of all time? And we’re going to try to find faults with THAT?

I fully believe this game to be borderline perfect, and that is the thing we should focus on:  why it is so good.

And of course the real reason why I don’t have it higher than No. 23 on my list

Well, that comes down to my personal story. And so here is my acknowledgement of how this ranking came to be.

Super Mario World at a glance:

Genre: Side-scrolling platformer
Released: 1991
Platform: SNES
Empire’s greatest game of all-time

Continue reading Super Mario World: Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 23)

Final Fantasy VI: Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 22)

I’m going to address this right out of the gate: This game is too low on the list of retro gaming essentials at No. 22.

That’s a statement of quality in itself, that a game can be underrated as a best-of list’s No. 22.

But it’s true. I can’t deny it.

And it’s not because of industry standards, or impact on the genre, or critical consensus, or anything quite so grand as all that. 

No, it’s actually too low among my own personal favorites.

How? Why? What?

Well, I covered the why right here. I wanted variety at the top of any list of recommendations

And the how is covered right here. I went with Final Fantasy VII up high (No. 12!)* instead by the slimmest of margins, leaving Final Fantasy VI in the uncomfortable position of having to tumble down the list to accommodate my “no series repeats” criteria.

* One might have a problem with the FF7 choice, and that’s fine. I can only say in my defense that it was a REALLY close call.

Well, that criteria of no repeats, I decided, should only apply to the top 20. The rationale being, yeah, you want some variety at the very top, but gosh, if a game is great, it still deserves to be advocated for.

And Final Fantasy VI is undeniably great.

Final Fantasy VI at a glance:

Genre: RPG
Released: 1994
Platform: SNES
Electronic Gaming Monthly’s No. 9 console game of all-time

Continue reading Final Fantasy VI: Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 22)

Super Mario Bros. 3 — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 21)

We’re back!

After knocking out an even 20 to begin this feature, I took a short break, but with the full intent of returning to writing about some of the very greatest retro video games that I believe everyone should experience.

This was partly because there’s a looooooooong list of games I think earn that particular designation. There’s a whole lot to play, and I have a whole lot of thoughts to share.

But also, more immediately, I have a number of games that earned a 10/10 that we haven’t even discussed yet.

I don’t think you can produce a list like this and leave off 10/10 games, right?

Which brings us to No. 21 on the list. And for full disclosure, unlike my Top 20, from here on I won’t attempt to avoid returning to the same series or characters. If you’ve been following along (or even playing along), by now you’ve experienced a pretty wide range of games, 20-ish different series, characters and so on (I say “-ish” because let’s be honest, there’s some crossover in Mario Kart).

Variety is the spice of life as they say.

That said, it’s alright to go back to something that works really well.

And Super Mario Bros. 3 works really, patently, definitively, absurdly well.

Super Mario Bros. 3 at a glance:

Genre: Side-scrolling platformer
Released: 1990
Platform: NES
Electronic Gaming Monthly’s 2nd best console game of all-time
Continue reading Super Mario Bros. 3 — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 21)

My games of 2021

I once again kept a running thread of video games I’ve beaten on Twitter this year, which was something I’d done in 2020 as well. Here’s the thread if you’re interested:

Anyway, last year I also did an end-of-year roundup & ranking with one-sentence reviews of each, so here you go. This is hopefully a handy resource for some about which games on your own personal backlog might be worth the effort and which ones you can continue to kick down the road.

The same rules as last year apply: only games I’ve completed were eligible for this list. I played plenty of other games, and many of them I have strong opinions on. But I wanted to be fair and only evaluate a game in its “complete” form (or at least as close to that as possible).

Continue reading My games of 2021

Super Mario Kart — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 20)

So, here we are.

I’ve written 19 of these things so far. I’m on my last review for a perfect Top 20, and I’m faced with probably a dozen or so worthy contenders (at minimum) for the final slot.

The biggest question I asked myself as a tie-breaker was this: Is a particular genre under-represented?

As it happens, the answer to that question made it an easy choice.

Say hello to Super Mario Kart, one of best racing games of all time, an inspired use of an existing, popular license, the genesis of an entire sub-genre of gaming (“kart racing”), and just a damn fine piece of popular entertainment.

Super Mario Kart at a glance:

Genre: Racing
Released: 1992
Platform: SNES
Next Generation’s No. 7 game of all time (1999)
Continue reading Super Mario Kart — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 20)

Soldier Blade — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 19)

One of the earliest genres of video games is the shooter.



Here’s the concept: Fire a projectile at an enemy or obstacle, watch it blow up, rinse, repeat.

You see? With such a relatively modest list of goals for a group of programmers to try to achieve, the appeal is obvious.

And for the gamer, the idea of blowing crap up is fun too.

So, shooters’ explosion in popularity in the 1970s and 80s was probably inevitable, and they’re an important part of gaming history.

I included the wack-a-doodle Air Zonk earlier in this countdown, but I also knew, given the genre’s importance, I should probably include a more traditional shooter somewhere in my Top 20.

How did I settle on Soldier Blade?

It’s really stinking good.

Soldier Blade at a glance:

Genre: Shooter
Released: 1992
Platform: Turbografx-16
5/5 from GamePro
Continue reading Soldier Blade — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 19)

The Oregon Trail — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 18)

So for fun I sometimes sit around and tweak the list of games I’d like to include in this feature. Games get moved up and down all the time, but the overarching principle I use is this: What games should a person experience before they die? And more presently for myself, which games would I want to write about before I die?

It’s morbid, but then, so are many games.

Which leads us to one of the most brutal lessons many people of a certain age ever experienced via the educational game The Oregon Trail: that life is constantly trying to kill you.

It’s not what I’d call a subtle lesson either.

It cracks me up to this day that educators saw fit to knock this lesson into kids’ heads for something like a generation of kids (maybe more?).

“Hey kids? Want to learn about the world? Well here’s this ‘history game’ [wink, wink] that’ll show you how much life sucks sucked. Have a good time getting adjusted!”

The thing is, this game was wildly addictive anyway.

Yeah, it was borderline impossible to avoid snakebites and/or cholera. But the point of the thing was to try to win anyway, and when someone in the class was finally able to confirm that, yes, it was possible to make it all the way to the end without sustaining complete disaster, well that was just the perfect brew of crack cocaine the rest of us needed to continue to come back to it.

Plus it was a video game. In class. As opposed to math worksheets or some other mundane task like collecting rocks.

OF COURSE everyone loved this game.

The Oregon Trail at a glance:

Genre: Educational
Released: 1985
Platform: Apple
No. 9 on Time’s 50 Best Video Games of All Time
Continue reading The Oregon Trail — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 18)

Tetris — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 17)

Tetris is an essential play for everyone.

This is stipulated here, and pretty much everywhere else too: Tetris is a game everyone must play.

That’s not surprising, or at least it shouldn’t be to anyone currently breathing air. This puzzle game — in which different shapes fall out of the sky and one must arrange them so that you can fill in a line to clear out more room for still more falling blocks — is widely considered the best puzzle game in existence, if not the best video game … period.

Again, so stipulated.

What’s kind of fun about Tetris is that its roots account for some of its pervasiveness. This game has been ported an astounding 65 times and been purchased an even more astounding 202 million times. This fact, that there are dozens of versions of this game and it really doesn’t matter which version you play (unless it’s the Genesis version; that version sucks), is unique in this industry.

Also unique is its backstory, which involved a Russian programmer, the U.S.S.R. government, several gaming companies, and — for some reason — Hungary.

It’s one of the most popular games of all time. And yet, would it have been so popular if its licensing rights hadn’t become so bizarrely entangled?

Possibly not.

It got ported and ported and ported again, because no one knew enough about who owned the thing to be scared enough not to pirate the thing.

And thusly, Tetris spread like a disease.

Tetris at a glance:

Genre: Puzzle
Released: 1987
Platform: PC (and everything else)
EGM’s No. 1 game of all time
Continue reading Tetris — Retro Gaming Essentials (No. 17)