WhoDatJedi Podcast: Why you should be watching ‘Star Wars Rebels’ (no spoilers)

It’s back to back weeks of gushing over the Star Wars we love, as this week’s episode of the WhoDatJedi podcast is dedicated to “Rebels,” a show each of us adores. And for folks who haven’t watched it yet (or at least watched it in its entirety), don’t worry … we stay away from spoilers.

This is why you should watch!

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WhoDatJedi Podcast: In defense of the Star Wars Expanded Universe

On this week’s WhoDatJedi podcast, we decided to give voice to the fans who were devoted to the old Star Wars expanded universe (meaning the old material such as books that are no longer part of “official” canon), as not everyone has fully embraced the new Disney era content. It made for a really interesting conversation (and our special guest certainly helped with that!).

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WhoDatJedi Podcast: The best musical moments in Star Wars

This is a fun episode of the WhoDatJedi podcast as we discuss what we feel are the best musical moments of Star Wars.

There’s a LOT to choose from, but we did a good job (including alternates) of distilling things down to some of the most epic moments, methinks.

Let us know what you think!

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WhoDatJedi Podcast: What was it like experiencing Star Wars for the first time (and why can’t Star Wars recapture that feeling)?

WhoDatJedi is back again! On this podcast, we started an MCU watch marathon with Aaron and had on Aaron’s brother, who spoke to what that magic was like, seeing Star Wars for the first time as a 10-year-old. Oddly enough, these topics merge when talking about “Iron Man,” a movie that has its own kind of magic.

Continue reading WhoDatJedi Podcast: What was it like experiencing Star Wars for the first time (and why can’t Star Wars recapture that feeling)?