WhoDatJedi Podcast: Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus changing things up for 2021

Hey, we know Mardi Gras is a bummer right now due to the pandemic. But this conversation about Chewbacchus might brighten your day a smidge.

Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus overlord Aryanna Gamble returns to the show to join your regular hosts — Aaron Svoboda (@Aaron_Svoboda), Alfredo Narvaez (@NOLA_Fredo) and David Gladow (@davegladow) —  on this 62nd episode of the WhoDatJedi podcast. Topics covered include why the krewe seems to fit the spirit of both Mardi Gras and nerd fandom so well, how it’s grown so large, and of course, the story of Peter Mayhew’s sock. Perhaps most importantly, the group discusses how Chewbacchus is dealing with the pandemic and how interested fans can celebrate Mardi Gras with the krewe in 2021 via a costume contest.

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Read more of Fredo’s musings here.

Read more of Dave’s musings here.

Song credit: Far, Far Away (Star Wars Jazz), by the Swamp Donkeys
Visit their website for more of their music!


Related: Costume contest rules

Related: Chewbacchus.org