WhoDatJedi Podcast: The Rise of Skywalker and legacy (and looking ahead to The Mandalorian Season 2)

Fall. Redemption. Legacy.

These are the thematic pillars of each of the Star Wars trilogies, respectively. This week’s episode of the WhoDatJedi podcast examines this closer, making the case that “The Rise of Skywalker” connects to the other films most successfully within theme … much less so stylistically or in its plotting.

We also talked about the original Episode IX script leak and some juicy “The Mandalorian” rumors.

Here’s the synopsis!

On the 12th episode of WhoDatJedi, your hosts — Aaron Svoboda (@Aaron_Svoboda), Alfredo Narvaez (@NOLA_Fredo) and David Gladow (@davegladow) —  begin the show looking ahead to season 2 of “The Mandalorian” and what new characters and plot lines we might expect to see. The conversation then turns to “The Rise of Skywalker” and the script leak of what was the original Episode IX. There’s some good and some bad in there, but it also calls to mind a natural question: Does what we eventually got make sense? How does “Rise” connect to the other movies in the trilogy and the saga in whole? And what is the importance of legacy as a theme?

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Read more of Fredo’s musings here.

Read more of Dave’s musings here.

Song credit: Far, Far Away (Star Wars Jazz), by the Swamp Donkeys
Visit their website for more of their music!

Related: Turns out Colin Trevorrow’s version of Star Wars: Episode IX was good, actually

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