WhoDatJedi Podcast: Which Star Wars deleted scenes belong back in the movies?

With every movie, there’s always stuff that ends up on the editing room floor. And there’s always some good and some bad.

Which Star Wars cut scenes should have stayed?

On the 43rd episode of the WhoDatJedi podcast, your hosts — Aaron Svoboda (@Aaron_Svoboda), Alfredo Narvaez (@NOLA_Fredo) and David Gladow (@davegladow) — address all the latest news, including some (strong) opinions on the recent John Boyega interview, before turning their attention to the topic of the week: Star Wars deleted scenes. You’ve probably seen or heard of most of these, and they’re often entertaining on their own merits, but the group asks the question of “What if?” about which of the scenes might have served the movies well and benefited the overall story. Furthermore, which of these scenes need to stay in the vault forever? Listen to the latest episode to find out!

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Read more of Fredo’s musings here.

Read more of Dave’s musings here.

Song credit: Far, Far Away (Star Wars Jazz), by the Swamp Donkeys
Visit their website for more of their music!

Related: The deleted scenes that should have stayed (from AT-AT Chat)

Related: Boyega: Experience of Star Wars based on race